Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Basic Linux commands


>> To check the present working directory

 [root@database ~]# pwd

>> To show the contents of a directory (folder)

[root@database ~]# ls  args1    database_notes  Documents   ifcfg-eth1_March25  linux_image.iso  names         phonenubers  uln_migrate             uln_register.tar
args      BegPerl  Desktop         hello2.plx  index.html.1        mbox             oradiag_root  scripts   

>> To see more details including the permission regarding the contents of a directory (folder)

[[root@database ~]# ls -l
total 3511620
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root       422670 Dec 30 10:29
-rwxr--r--  1 root   root          105 Apr  8 21:45 args
-rwxr--r--  1 root   root           32 Apr  8 21:51 args1
drwxr-xr-x 17 root   root         4096 Dec 30 10:31 BegPerl
-rw-r--r--  1 root   root         5022 Jan  5 09:55 database_notes
drwxr-xr-x  3 root   root         4096 Mar 25 04:45 Desktop
drwx------  3 root   root         4096 Mar 30 21:33 Documents

>> To see all contents including hidden files of a directory (folder)

[root@database ~]# ls -a
.              .bashrc         .eggcups         .gstreamer-0.10     mbox                 scripts                 uln_register.tar             .xauthgXJKsS
..             BegPerl         .elinks          .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2   .metacity            .sqldeveloper     .xauthixsRh6

>> To see tree structure of nested directories

[root@database ~]# ls -R /opt




>> To see a file starting from f

[root@database ~]# ls f*

>> To see a file have a middle string as disk

[root@database ~]# ls /bin/*disk*

>> To see a file whose length is 3 charaters

[root@database ~]# ls ???

>> To see a file which starts with single char & ends up with any number of character

[root@database ~]# ls ?edh*

>> To create a file
[root@database ~]# cat > file1

>>  To see file content
[root@database ~]# cat file1

>> To append a file

[root@database ~]  cat >> file1

[root@database ~] cat file1 file2 >> file3 #redirecting output to file3

[root@database ~] cat file3

>>  To create a file using touch command

[root@database ~]# touch f1 f2 f3 f4

[root@database ~]# ls

>>  Creating a single directory

[root@database ~]# mkdir dir

>> Creating multiple directories

[root@database ~]# mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4

[root@database ~]# ls

anaconda-ks.cfg  dir   dir2  dir4  f2  f4     file2  install.log     
Desktop          dir1  dir3  f1    f3  file1  file3  install.log.syslog

>>  To create nested directories

[root@database ~]# mkdir -p d1/d2/d3/d4

>> To see the tree structure

[root@database ~]# ls -R d1




>> To change a directory

[root@database ~]# cd dir1

[root@database ~]# cd ..

[root@database ~]# cd ../..

[root@database ~]# cd -

[root@database ~]# pwd

[root@database ~]# cd

[root@database ~]# pwd

[root@database ~]#

13. To remove files

[root@database ~]# rm file1

rm: remove regular file `file1'? y

14. To remove an empty directory

[root@database ~]# rmdir dir1

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Desktop  dir2  dir4  f2  f4     file3        install.log.syslog
d1               dir      dir3  f1    f3  file2  install.log  labmanual

15. To remove a directory
[root@database ~]# rm -rf dir

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  Desktop  dir3  f1  f3  file2  install.log         labmanual
d1               dir2     dir4  f2  f4  file3  install.log.syslog

To copy files

[root@database ~]# cp anaconda-ks.cfg file1

To copy folders

[root@database ~]# cp -r dir2 Desktop

To rename  directories and files

[root@database ~]# mv dir3 d4

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  d4       dir2  f1  f3  file1  file3        install.log.syslog
d1               Desktop  dir4  f2  f4  file2  install.log  labmanual

To move directories and files

[root@database ~]# mv dir2 /opt

[root@database ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg  d4       dir4  f2  f4     file2  install.log         labmanual
d1               Desktop  f1    f3  file1  file3  install.log.syslog

[root@database ~]# cd /opt

[root@database ~]#  ls

To search a word from single or multiple file’s

[root@database ~]# grep tom  /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow


[root@database ~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep tom

To see the type of file

[root@database ~]# file *

To view the date

[root@database ~]# date

[root@database ~]# date -s "07/15/2008 00:06:00 "
 mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Tue Jul 15 00:06:00 EDT 2008

[root@database ~]# cal

[root@database ~]# cal 12 2008

[root@database ~]# man mkdir

[root@database ~]# man cal

To see the content screen wise

[root@database ~]# ls -l /bin  | less

Visual Interface (VI)

Commands to Go into Insert mode

To open a file use vi

# vi test.txt

i   -  inserts the text at current cursor position
I   -  inserts the text at  beginning of line
a   -  appends the text after current cursor position
A   -  appends the text at end of line
o   -  inserts a line below current cursor position
O   -  inserts a line above current cursor position
r   -  replace a single char at current cursor position

Commands at execute mode

:q -  quit without saving
:q!   -  quit forcefully without saving
:w   -  save
:wq   -  save & quit
:wq! -  save & quit  forcefully
:x -  save & quit
:sh -  Provides temporary shell
:se nu -  Setting line numbers
:se nonu -  Removing line numbers
:84   -  Press enter goes to line 84

>> To move the cursor, press the h,j,k,l keys as indicated.   
             k              Hint:  The h key is at the left and moves left.
       < h       l >               The l key is at the right and moves right.
             j                     The j key looks like a down arrow

w forward   word to word
b     back side word to word

>> Command's at command mode

dd   -  Deletes a line
2dd   -  Deletes 2 lines
yy   -  Copy a line
2yy   -  Copies 2 lines
p -  put  (deleted or copied text)
u -  Undo (can undo 1000 times)
Ctrl+r -  Redo
G - Moves cursor to last line of file
5G - Moves cursor to 5th line of file
Shift+ZZ -  save & quit
/ -  locate word

>> To find and replace words


1-- To start the search at from 1st line
$ -> End of File
s -> substitute
g -> global
c -> confirmation

>> To power off machine

# poweroff

How to check cluster name


To check the software versions on a single node. Software version is the lastest version installed in on an cluster.
You would use this option,When you do the rolling upgrade.
$ crsctl query crs softwareversion [hostname]

Active version is lowest version anywhere in the cluster. This is the command you would normally need to use
$ crsctl query crs activeversion


The version of oracle Clusterware must be always greater than the oracle products installed in the clusters
Permanently operating oracle Clusterware (software version vs active version) is not supported.

To check the cluster name use
$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/cemutlo -n