Tuesday 11 November 2014

ASMCMD copy command fails with ORA-15056 / ORA-15046

ASMCMD copy command fails with ORA-15046/ORA-15056

Example :

ASMCMD> cp /tststg/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967 +TSTSTG1ARCH2/tststg/1/archivelog/2013_04_06/

copying /tststg/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967 -> +TSTSTG1ARCH2/tststg/1/archivelog/2013_04_06/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967
ASMCMD-8016: copy source->'/tststg/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967' and
target->'+TSTSTG1ARCH2/tststg/1/archivelog/2013_04_06/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967' failed
ORA-15056: additional error message
ORA-15046: ASM file name '+TSTSTG1ARCH2/tststg/1/archivelog/2013_04_06/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967' is not in single-file creation form
ORA-06512: at "SYS.X$DBMS_DISKGROUP", line 413
ORA-06512: at line 3 (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)

Checking Metalink Note # 452158.1 I saw that the ASMCMD  cp command fails because the ASM file name was not in a form that can be used to create an single file. File name should not contain the file number/incarnation.

ASMCMD> cp /tststg/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967 +TSTSTG1ARCH2/tststg1/archivelog/2013_04_06/thread_2_seq_2396

copying /tststg/thread_2_seq_2396.647.811987967 -> +TSTSTG1ARCH2/tststg1/archivelog/2013_04_06/thread_2_seq_2396

ASMCMD> ls -l
Type        Redund  Striped  Time             Sys  Name
ARCHIVELOG  UNPROT  COARSE   APR 08 12:00:00  Y    thread_2_seq_2396.571.812204257

So my error was resolved in a matter of minutes :)

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